Thursday, December 17, 2009

Chapter Twenty Four: A Very Barbershop Birthday

Since this is all about my 25th Birthday Party it would be fitting that it be chapter twenty-five in my barber-blog saga, but no such luck I suppose.

Any who - my 25th birthday was Monday, November 30, 2009. This was the year of dragging the birthday glory out - yes even more than usual. I had my first birthday luncheon Monday, November 23rd with the wonderful people on my office. Then my actual birthday on the 30th. Then birthday dinner with the lovely Ms. Ariella Monti on Dec 6th. And another birthday dinner Dec 15th. (There are also some outstanding dinner offers of people who couldn't come to my party.) Which brings me to the main event itself, my 25th Birthday Bash on Saturday, December 11, 2009.

The party was held in the EXperimental Theatre in Founders Hall at Manhattanville College. Sabrina, the most brilliant light designer of life (not that I'm partial at all) lit the whole room up and even made a gobo especially for the occasion. We brought in lots of food (special thanks to Linda, for the deli connection) and lots of good people, including my oldest and dearest friend Gianna. But what makes this event relevant to this blog would be that I had barbershop quartets come to perform! The quartets that sang were Fanfare! and 'Round Midnight.

Just to give a little background on these two. The ladies of Fanfare! are the current 5th place medalist of SAI Region 15. They won the novice award in 2007, along with 5th place medals - and took home that medal again in 2008 and 2009. They all sing with my chorus, Harmony Celebration. Well almost... (their Bari, the lovely Ms Heather is not currently singing with us, but she did and we're working on bringing her back - as far as I'm concerned she's an HCC girl at heart and I'll always love her and consider her a part of my chorus.) The gentlemen of 'Round Midnight are the current M-A District Quartet Champions. 2009 was an exciting year for them as they qualified for their first International Contest and then proceeded to land in 14th place overall! But most importantly, and the reason I asked them to sing at my party, they are two of the most entertaining quartets and eight of the coolest people you could hope to see on any guest list.

The ladies of Fanfare! sang a three song set (see below). They opened with Hit That Jive Jack, which as a bass I must say, just sounds like one of the most fun songs you could ever hope to sing. Julia's jazzy lead and Sharon's boppin' bass carry you along on a jazzy dream. Next up was a song (by my request) lovingly referred to as The Fanny Song. The story goes that the quartet loved the music for this particular song but Julia simply said "No, I won't sing a Mammy song" and so proceeded to write lyrics a bit more to her liking. Here's a little taste:

Oh there is nothing, I love better than is F-A-double N-Y
F is for his features so fine and fair
A is for the ass-set beyond compare
Double N is cuz he's 99 percent (sigh) sublime
So why'dya think I walk behind him all the time

I loved how right before they sang it came the disclaimer "the management is not responsible for the content of this song" to which I replied loudly "yes, its that kind of party!" For their final song they sang a parody of Oh How I Miss You Tonight. It began "Oh how I miss... Hagen Daz" with delightful bass/bari echos and proceeded with great hilarity from there out - finishing with a lovely tenor post from the gorgeous Ms Alice (aka Where's Alice?) and a beautiful ringing chord.

Next up, the studly gents of 'Round Midnight. They opened with Lucky Day which assured me, as if I even needed it to, that I was in for a real treat. My story being that about six months or so I became obsessed with said song - you can ask my baritone for confirmation of this fact as I got her hooked too. So there was the song choice and the ridiculously ringy-pingy sound in that little black box theatre on the final chord - turns out to be a great space for barbershop. Next song up and Jeff started right in on the bass line as T.J. told us it was a request (which it was, for Sabrina) and started to look for her to sing to only to find that she was back in the light booth making the magic happen. Needless to say, she was sung to anyway and it was right into Moondance, which I would probably call their signature song. [side note - signature song reasoning: on this song the lead switches effortlessly from singer to singer. They aren't married to any traditional "barbershop" standing positions/blocking. It shows off their smooth, exciting, jazzy style. And shows how excellently these guys have a real feel and understanding of rhythm. These, along with tons of stage presence and charisma, are what I would list as their signatures.] Then it was on to quartet introductions - all I will say here is "and I have the best teaching job of all - middle school." If you've seen them then you know what I mean, and if you haven't its just one more reason to do so. Also - shout out to my Baritone who is, in fact, a rockin' middle school music teacher. Next up was my personal request Anytime at All. There is a section of the lyrics that goes:

Don't be afraid to let me know that you want me, that's such a silly thing to do.

I, of course, decided to take these lyrics literally and planned out a little surprise ahead of time. Sabrina had bought the 'RM CD after we saw them on the Hickory Tree Chorus show. As we were listening to it in the car on the way home from the show the thought arose:

Sabrina: How funny would it be if when they sang this at your party you flipped over a sign that read "I want you"
Me: And the people sitting around me should have signs that say "She wants you" with arrows that point to me
Sabrina: I could totally bring a light up on you in the audience when it happens too
Me: Yes!

And so it was planned out. I sat in the correct seat in the front row where the light was all focused and would come up on me perfectly on cue. I was flanked by my sister Stefanie and her boyfriend Mark, who both had their signs at the ready. Plus, I had told at least 75% of the people in attendance that I was going to do this, so I couldn't chicken out. So the song starts and I give my sister the nudge like "this is the one." They sing through the beginning and come to the aforementioned lyrics and I flip my sign. Stef and Mark do the same. And the light comes up on me so the quartet can see. Here are some reaction shots for your amusement.

such a silly thing to
cause anytime you
want me
i'll come running home to you

Since I was in the front I held up my sign and turned it around so everyone in the audience could see what the quartet was laughing at. Being the true professionals they are they kept on singing despite a clear desire to simply start cracking up. Before I know it, along comes the infamous "call me anytime" part of the tag and the dreamy chord changes that follow to end the song. Cue round of applause and the boys finally get a chance to laugh. Jeff looks at me and says "You can't top that" and after some additional laughter Wayne adds "there's a first for everything" and another burst of laughter from the audience.

Now I'll give you a run down of the rest of the set list along with my personal highlights from each song.

In the Still of the Night:
-Right before the bridge as they're singing "In the still of the night" [note this is a non-verbal exchange] Jeff and points to Wayne like 'hey, we're gonna go this way' and Wayne's points and is all 'that way?' and Jeff points again 'yea, that way' and then all four proceed to "shoo-wop" digs starting to the right.
-Bass solo at the end "In the still" and all 3 of the guys sigh really high pitched, followed by an echo of that sentiment from all the ladies in the audience.. or at least me and Wayne making kissy faces at Jeff
-Larry's ever so smooth "ooh eeeh oooh aaah" at the end :)

Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me:
-pitch blows, we hear an "oh ah" and Larry gets a confused look on his face as Wayne turns to him like "huh?" and then proceeds to remind him of the first few words "all i want.."
-Lead pull-out on "They told me to be sensible with your new love" as Wayne steps into Sabrina's perfectly cued light
-the tres dreamy tag as they come off the big build and you get the bass sliding down to one of those vibrating, wonderful basement notes

"Love" & My Girl:
-The Patter! "Opposites attract? Oh so you've heard that. Well Wayne heard that too (he smiles) so he's looking for a girl with a big bank account (he frowns) but that quickly turns to laughter as a light is brought up on me in the audience as I wave at him. And TJ gave props to the light booth for being up on the jokes.
-"How will I know? Will it be like a big light shinning in my face" cue Sabrina bringing up a light, shinning on Jeff's face
-Of course the tender moment that right before the song starts - and that moment when the tenderness is shredded by bass enthusiasm, lol
-"When its cold outside, like its today"
-The "ba da da ba bah's" by Larry & TJ, the second of which comes with awesome arm choreo!
-The most in tune audience sing along of all time on the last round of "my girls" since 1/2 the audience was bbshoppers and a good majority of the rest were performers of one kind or another

Happy Birthday:
-TJ & Wayne deciding who should sing lead, lol
-Larry: "Bring the spotlight up on the birthday girl" Me: "Oh yes, she hates that"
-Sabrina bringing up the awesome "Lex 25" gobo and stars at the end of it

-Audience participation!
-The look BeccaZ gave me when TJ said "shipoopi" since we did Music Man our senior year of high school and have our very own special associations with with word, song, and show
-"Say that you oooooh will" Jeff shakes Wayne's hand in congratulations of his pretty little vocal run and Larry doubles over with laughter at the sight of it, singing all the while
-Sabrina's awesome light bumps on the "shout"s with the awesome fuchsia top light
-"A little bit softer now" Heather Collins shouting "Lower!" and the guys making faces like "Ahh! No! We can't"... also TJ's quick and barely audible "that's what she said" lol
-"Hey-ay-ay-aye" echos, again with the most in tune sing along of life
-Sabrina's awesome light bumps on the "shout"s with the awesome fuchsia top light AND star gobos

As a note in general, if any one of those gentlemen tell you that they don't or can't dance, all I have to say is that anyone who has ever seen them sing, knows that a lie. In summation, 'Round Midnight rocks my socks and between them and Fanfare! I can't imagine a better birthday performances.

A big part of most birthday celebrations involves the birthday cake. But here is my theory: cake is a poor man's brownie. So instead of having cake for my party, I had a tower of brownies!Deeeelish. And my first order of business after the performances was to eat some brownies. Well that and hug every person I passed on my way back to said brownies. Anyway, when I was in the back of the theatre munching in my yummy birthday brownie I started talking to Larry.

Larry: Who did the lights? They were great.
Me: My lead/roommate Sabrina.
Larry: Does she have a card?

Sabrina did not have a card. But I nabbed her and she quickly scribbled down some contact information for him. As it turns out his chorus, Voices of Gotham, had their holiday show the next night and he asked her to do lights for it on the spot! The thing being that we had a chorus gig the next day and didn't even know if we were going to be able to make it to their show. Plus they would have needed her to bring in lights and without anytime to check out the space or prep there really wasn't much she could do. But it got her on board for their next show.

The next fun thing to happen was that I was talking to Jeff while Sabrina and Larry were talking about lights and he goes "So you want to sing a tag with 'Round Midnight?" and I reply with "No. I want to sing a whole song." Now I must take a moment to tell you how very proud of myself I was in this moment because this is the kind of thing I would always want the opportunity to take advantage of but either it wouldn't come up or I would wuss out if it did. And I didn't - go me. So then came the quick conversation of what do you know that we know, and I know the version of "Don't Be a Baby, Baby" that they sing - mostly because Just4 sings it, but also because I had been listening to their CD going "if this opportunity presents itself at my party, which song can I use to take advantage of it." Then they asked me what key I wanted to sing it in - eep. My answer was that I knew I could sing it where they do (because I can) but blowing it higher probably wouldn't hurt either. In the end I'm pretty sure we sang it wherever they sing it because I could handle it, but it was low in my range in some places. I remember starting it and almost waiting for them to keep going (like I was singing with the CD or something) and that split second where I was like "oh! I'm the lead now..ok" and also "look how awesome they are all staying together/waiting for me" -- thoughts of course, that went by in the blink of an eye because helloooo I was in the middle of singing a song, but I digress (as usual.) I made it through the song without incident, except the last note where I doubled with someone because I didn't realize Wayne takes the high note there, but in true tag-out-quartet-singing-style he was near by and gave me the signal to hop up to that note and sang it to help me out.

Now for a tale of Larry the substitute Tenor. One of the coolest parts of having a quartet is being able to sing wherever, whenever for whomever. The main thing being that you need all four people to do that. At my birthday party my tenor Katie, was noticeably absent. This was most unfortunately do to bronchitis - clearly she would have rather been well and at my party. Anyway, her illness meant no Cultured Pearls Quartet showboating for this birthday girl. But in the discussion Steph and Brina and I were having with the lovely 'RM boys about how we wouldn't be singing Larry said something like "Well what do you know? I'm sure I can fake through some YWIH tenor, and Wayne can help me out anyway, he knows all those songs" and so with a little discussion we decided on One Fine Day. Steph blows the pitch, Larry finds his starting note and we're off! We make it through the first verse but between adjusting to the sound and the looks on Larry's face as he tries to make it through and Wayne's as he tries to help him, we crack up and loose it going into the second. Larry's response to this being "No, no! Keep going its all repeats from there, I got this!" So its on to take two. This time we make it through the whole thing with interesting faces being made through the bridge and at the end when Larry realizes he's responsible for the post on the tag. It was great fun. But the best part had to be when our lovely director Scott, drawn by our delightful harmonies no doubt, peeked his head around the corner to see who was singing with a look of "What in the name of the heavens in this?" Classic.

In true party style there was much merriment, sandwich consumption, and brownie devouring. Since the party was in a theatre in a dorm building it was kept non-alcoholic. So as the party wound down there were the inevitable suggestions of "so what bars are in the area?" to which I quickly responded with a "Bar-shmar! Come back to our apartment on the other side of campus instead. Less of a drive and the drinks are free." Everyone liked this idea and being the awesome people they are, all lent a helping hand to clean up and get food rounded up to bring back to our place.

In true Alexis style my apartment was a mess because I was running around to get myself and everything else together for my party. Of course people would end up back at our place - as Sabrina would say "Do you know who you are?" So while the clean-up crew was in action in the EX, Pete was sent ahead to do a quick sweep of the apartment. The best thing in this part of the story being that my sister and her boyfriend had gone back to my place, put on jammies, and pulled the futon flat for bed - so when Pete came in they were just kind of thrown back in to everything since I was too busy with people in the EX to call and warn her....tehe. I must also take a moment to note the awesomeness of Ms. Heather Collins as she was key to the success of my food wrapping-up and taking with me process.

So we get back to the apartment and Heather and her lovely husband Joe are there and all of my girlfriends found their way over - clearly no problem for people who went the school there, good on them. But no 'Round Midnight boys! Eeep! Earlier they had gotten lost on their way to the party because people on campus sent them to the wrong theater. I thought that this time they would just follow my girls over since they were all carrying things out of the building for me at the same time but noooo. Nothing the easy way. So I throw on my coat, grab my cell phone and head back out into the cold December night.

Me::dialing cell phone::
Larry: Hey, I think we know where we are.
Me: I'm outside so if you're close I can flag you down
Larry: Oh, I think we see you
Me::waving arms:: Pull in over here, park in the first spot you can find.
Larry: Got it. See you soon.

The final roster of the Lex's Super Sweet 25th Birthday After Party included: Steph, Larry, Vanna, Heather, Joe, Pete, Sabrina, TJ, Wayne, Stef, Mark, Jeff and myself. Laughter, conversation, and impromtu bits of song (including Jeff & I rapping Tupac's Changes and some sweet Boys II Men jams) continued well into the early morning hours. Twenty-fifth birthday party success, check.

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