Friday, June 11, 2010

Chapter Fourty Three: Reality Bites

I have come to realize that I lack the solid skill set needed to be a supremely excellent quartet bass. I do not lack the enthusiasm or drive to get those skills and make them an all-the-time part of my bbshop performing life. But I have some work to do before I become actually as good as I sometimes think I am. So I made a list. Some of these I have begun to work on and some need some more serious work and attention. Here is my current list:

Cool Bass Thing........................................What I Need to do to make this better
Bass pick ups ...........................................better breath support
Counter rhythms........................................check. check. double check.
Crazy magic carpet/wall of sound.....................need more consistent vocal production & breath support
Fearless, pin-point accuracy...........................working on it
Love of the part and the style.........................check
Belief that I sing the melody...........................who else would be singing it?

I am Alexis, Bass-in-Progress :) hear me roar!
(and by roar of course I mean, take an accurate pitch, sing with forward resonance and tall full space, lift the ends of phrases into the next phrase, take an in-tempo breath, smile with my eyes, and sell the message of the song!)

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